The 🧿 Manifesto
We spend up to 90% of our waking life on autopilot, essentially half-asleep. This lack of awareness makes us forgo what is truly important for us. We all know we need to exercise, sleep well, take care of ourselves, and quit bad habits. Yet we are so notoriously bad at doing it. As the result, only a quarter to a third of people worldwide report to have high well-being and happiness.
Here is the good news: anyone can become ultra-fit, high-energy, and self-aware. One just needs to wake up. What do we mean by that? It’s time for the secret-theory-of-everything (drum roll): observe yourself more.
Too simple, right? Think about it though: world-class athletes track distance and time, and world-class meditators count their breaths and minutes of mindfulness. We believe that self-tracking is key to self-awareness. That's why our logo is the amulet called "nazar" meaning "to observe" in Arabic .
So here is how wellness really works: the moment you become aware of your habits and choices, your wellness improves. Here are just a few scientific studies to support that: 1,2,3,4.
To enable you to become a better you, we built a digital assistant that makes you more aware of your lifestyle choices and ultimately leads to better well-being.
Honestly, we first built this tool for ourselves. Thanks to self-tracking, our team members lost weight and body fat, started meditating regularly, improved sleep, and started to look younger. Men in our group now have to wear a beard to be admitted to bars (this one is a joke).
We want to share this tool with you. Let us introduce Kwirki the Digital Assistant, world’s first AI wellness coach.

Hi. I am Sasha, the founder of Personalytics. Since I remember myself, I have been suffering from migraines. Migraine is a peculiar medical condition: we don’t really know how it works, nor do we know how to treat it. One must learn to live with it. After several doctors and a lot of research, I figured the only way to have less frequent and less severe migraines was to become more aware of the migraine itself, and of everything that happens prior to it.
Some years ago, I was studying at MIT and took a class on big data. It blew my mind how powerful the insights revealed by big data could be for our society. And then I had an epiphany.
I thought: what if we analyzed big data on our own bodies? Could it tell us how to be more productive or how to sleep better? Most importantly for me, could I find out the cause of my migraines?
Excited, I started to try every fitness tracker and wearable out there. I read over thirty books on wellness, sleep, stress. I learned a programming language for data analysis. I even zapped myself with electricity to learn how to instill good habits the Pavlovian way (not a joke). Soon, I amassed a heap of wellness big data on myself.

Yet, a key component was missing. I looked everywhere but could not find an app or a tool to interpret my data to finally understand my migraines, hack my productivity and my sleep. The only thing I found was an eccentric Silicon Valley entrepreneur who did such analysis for rich people and charged them a few thousand bucks for this (sic!). I came to believe that such a tool should be available to anyone, not just the more privileged of us. And that is how Personalytics was born.
I noticed that my behavior - be it sleep, productivity, exercise, or mental health - would change as soon as I noted it down and monitored it. As with quantum particles, behavior changes once it has been observed. I started observing the data even closer. And the data told me a fascinating story.
First, I discovered that the combination of red wine and dehydration was the perfect recipe for a killer migraine. Avoiding this combination brought my migraine occurrences from once every ten days down to once every 60 days. Second, my data showed that I drank twice as little water on Tuesdays than my average. Why was it Tuesdays? I honestly have no idea but I made sure to hydrate myself on Tuesdays and immediately decreased migraines. Next, I saw that I would get a full proper night of sleep only on ~25% of nights. On too many nights, I would sleep very little, or sleep in for some 12 hours. I managed to bring the full nights up to 38% which boosted my productivity and allowed me to start waking up with no alarm clock.

In the past months of using Personalytics, I lost 14 kgs (21 lbs) of weight and brought my body fat down from 27% to 18%. Also, my data showed that meditation was the top factor for my productivity: a quick session of meditation gives me a 43% boost towards a highly productive day. Exercising came second - it reduces my stress by 24%. Seeing these effects measured by technology drove me to meditate and exercise more, and soon led to a healthier me.
We worked hard to create Personalytics so that you can reap these benefits as well. Enjoy and get in touch to tell your story!